Help > Switch to Admin View > Jurisdiction > JEN/Chowki/Section

User selects this module to Map the JEN/Chowki/Section & Village to selected Division and Subdivision in masters. These JEN/Chowki/Section and Village list gets affected in work flow in users defining in masters and in planning.

Below steps needs to follow to save JEN/Chowki/Section based on selected Division & Sub division

1.       After Login click on “Jurisdiction” > Click on JEN/Chowki/Section > below screen will display.

2.       Select Zone> Select Circle >Select Division>Select Sub Division> Enter “JEN/Chowki/Section”>Select Village>click on.

3.       After click on “Save” > Details will display under “JEN/CHOWKI/SECTION LIST”.

4.       To Edit saved details >click on  > After Modifications completes > click on  > Modified details will be updated.

5.       To clear the selected details or entered details > click on.