Help > Switch to Admin View > Configuration > Departments

User selects this module to add Departments to works on Sanctions. These Departments list gets affected in Sanctions module.

Below steps needs to follow to add Departments

1.       After Login click on “Configuration” >Select Departments > below screen will display.

2.       Selects Section/Wing >Enter Department Name>Select Department Type>Enter Address>Enter Contact Person, Contact Number &E-Mail >click on.

3.       After click on “Save” > Details will display under “DEPARTMENTS LIST”.

4.       To clear details > click on.

5.       To Edit/Update saved details >click on  > After Modifications completes > click on  > Modified details will be updated.

6.       To clear the selected details or entered details > click on.

7.       To delete > click on  >Selected information will be deleted.

8.       To check entire view of history updations > click on  > Detailed information will display.